Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

OMG My Dog Got Sprayed by a SKUUUNNNKKK!!!!!!!! :(

Oh My Gosh! I woke up at 6:00 this morning, hopped out of bed, changed, walked into the living room where a smell permeated the air like no other, and threw up in my mouth. IT"S AWFUL!!!!! Have any of you had this experience? Cause it sucks and I need to know how to deal with it. Please please, If you have any advice at all, tell me. My whole house smells like this horrible, icky spray except my room. Thank God I keep the door to my room closed at night! Anyway, I am ready to puke right here because the smell leaked in through the windows. (WHICH ARE NOW SHUT BELIEVE ME!) It's not really bad though so I shall just stay in here for the rest of my life... :) jk
So really, now that I don't have to endure a really really bad aroma, I can have a good laugh about it. He He He He!!! :D LOL! Oh, my dog had that coming for a while now! :P
Well, I got to make this plead for advice quick, so PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME! :) See ya'll

PS: This doesn't seem relevant right now, but this is also my first day of school! :D HAHAHAHA! LOL!! What a way to start the school year! Maybe its a sign?


Arieverafter said...
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Arieverafter said...

well that's not very nice to delete my post!!! and still: it's not nice to say oh my god