Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We're Gettin' Pounded!

Hy peeps, (yes I did mean to spell it like that)
We are getting pounded sooo hard with rain, right now the water is about 1 inch in the stream that's driving down our street. It's so cool and I would go out and play in it if the lightning weren't hitting maybe 50 yards from our house. :O
HEY EVERYONE! I took a break from typing this and I was handed the BEST THING EVERR! Uploading pictures now. This is a USB converter/extender so that instead of one USB port, I can have 8! Isn't it sweeeeeet-nes!!!!

So yeah,
Pretty much this has been a great day for me with minimum homework, happy teachers, and rain! OK anyway, I gtg. Expect a Kitty Post either today or tomorrow though. See ya'lls!

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