Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New Name, New Page

Hey Peeps,
I've added an about me page with more details than my profile. Also, for short, just call me Jay. Love that name, always have. Please DO NOT forget to post your opinions about Justin Beiber on the post below! Also, I am messing around with the design of my blog, so I will currently label it as UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Anyways, there was a heck load of rain today and I went outside with John-Mark down the street to play basketball. In the Rain! It was amazingly amazing with amazing-flavored amazingness frosting. Anyway, we had a blast, then played stick fighting for the first time in years in the rain too. Pretty much, it's been an awesome day.
I do have to say that the neighbor with cancer underwent a surgery today. She's doing well comparatively, but she's on a bunch of drugs. I also want to compliment Jenny for her idea with the "Daily Injury Reports." So much to write about Jenn. :)
Anyway, so don't drive a car into a telephone pole (story), always make a semi honk the horn when you pass one, and NEVER take meth while sitting around a campfire. Strike that, never take meth at all, or any other drug! :)
See ya!

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