Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mom's Birthday

So my mom turned 42 on February 4th but I didn't have my computer (read the post below), so here's what happened...

(This is the DAY BEFORE)

We got my Grandma from Denver to take my mom up there and keep her busy for about 5 hours. Right when they left, we called our neighbor across the street (Lacy), and she rushed over with al the stuff we were hiding at her house. We then proceeded to move all of the furniture, the bed, dresser, shelves, everything; out of her room. Then we painted her whole room from a disgusting pepto bismol pink to a nice light tan. We also got her a new comforter and pillow and stuff and completely redecorated her room. We also had a ceremonial burning of her awful faded (even-worse) pink curtains. She was all in tears and it was awesome!!

(Her Actual Birthday)

Then if that wasn't enough, my aunt called me two days before and asked me if she should come up and surprise my mom the morning before her birthday. (My aunt lives in Oklahoma) We managed to keep it a secret and my mom was FLOORED sobbing and heaving when her sister showed up the morning after her bedroom surprise with breakfast from Village Inn. She was soooo happy that she was there it was awesome and bubbly and we got to skip school!! :)

Imagine Dragons - Demons

I feel like I'm getting more into music, and I haz found my new favorite song!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Computer Virus

OMG, so my computer was totally attacked by a giant virus. So yes, I've been stuck without a computer for, like, a week now. And I know I had a list of stuff that I had to post, but I lost the piece of paper... It's great having no nerve connections in my brain... Grr! Anyway. For those of you who know's what happened:

  1. The virus corrupted my boot list so when I got onto the computer, it started, but couldn't find the operating systems. When a computer starts it looks for the boot list to give it instructions to access your accounts, but it couldn't find mine.
  2. The virus also attacked my automatic system restore so that it could not repair itself like its suppose to. And because its me, I forgot to make a backup repair disk. Yeah, I know.
  3. In shutting down my repair system it also destroyed my computers safe mode, so I couldn't get anything off my hard drive to save it.
  4. The virus also automatically incapacitated any system restore program that entered my system through another Windows 7 Home Premium disc.
  5. So my moms friend at work took it, saved most of my stuff, and completely rebuilt my hard drive. Yeah, I know, I wish I knew how to do that!
Anyway, I got my files back, but my computer was wiped and I had to reinstall everything. The thing is, that a major factor of this virus was caused by Minecraft. I AM SOOO SAD!! Minecraft obviously had a bug that my computer just couldn't handle, and that matched with something I think I accidentally installed with an email set my computer on "Deep Fry". So yeah, kinda sucks, no more Minecraft, but at least I got my computer back. :)

Life Lesson: Always make friends with every IT and tech guy you can.

:P Chao!