Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Friday, August 19, 2011

Yoski's House!

Hey peeps,
So a couple of days ago, I went over to my sister, Yoski's house to help her finish last minute homework that she could have done the ENTIRE summer. Yeah, I know, she owes me. Well...not really because I copy a problem off her every once in a while. SO over the summer, she had to do a newsletter also. She wrote articles 1, 3, and 5, while I did 2 and 4. Then, she sent all of it to me and I designed a newsletter, fixed her articles, and pasted everything in a really awesome format that looks AMAZING!!!
Anyway, at her house I was introduced to an addictive video game by the name of Call of Duty: Black Ops. :D It is soooooo cooool! I find myself constantly thinking about playing it now. It was amazing and we got to like, level seven the entire time we played. After that and homework, we repelled off of her second story balcony with a hose! I know, right?! FUN! :D :P :) O.O Well, she did it very elegantly, but my shoes sucked and wouldn't stick to the stucco. SO my repel was more of a slide down the hose, burning my hands, in the rain, kicking my feet, and screaming like a little girl. (Not the last one, but it was funny)
OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! And I ALMOST FORGOT! This was the best part for me! So, while Jen was three quarters of the way down. I said "Wait right there, don't move." while I ran inside to fill a bowl FULL of hot water. Well, Jen stayed there and when I came back, (Hiding the bowl from view) she said the perfect thing. "I'm cold, can I get down now?" Hmm. Thoughts fly through my head and time slows. I glance at the bowl. Words come through my mouth, "Your cold huh? How about this!" as I swipe up the bowl and fling the water off the deck. (Time becomes fast) OH MY GOSH IT WAS AMAZING! I completely totally utterly soaked the front of her. Well, she didn't get mad at me because she would have done the SAME thing if it was vice versa. :)

(Quote from song)
"Oh, Happy Day! Happy Day!"

Anyway, hope you liked my tidbit there and I'll see ya guys in my next post.


Anonymous said...

That's so like you to pull a prank like that. :D I'm going to watch out from now on. LOL!
"Oh! Happy day! Happy day! When He washed my sins away...." :)

-Your cousin. :o)

Yoski said...