Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year!

I did;t realize until now that today is the result of a Leap Year, February 29. I have a peer who is a sophomore, but is technically turning four this year, isn't that great?! HAHA! I really wanted to be born on February 29. I think that would be really fun.=)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So as you all have noticed, there is a major major glitch on my blog and its PISSING ME OFF!! I can't fricking stand this thing. So I have the bar set at 20 posts per page right? But at least every five posts now, it resets the page and makes all the earlier posts go to an older page! Have any of you had this?! Cuz it is soooooo frustrating that I'm losing my head! Please! Someone please give me a hint on what to do here? I would be much obliged and grateful and ecstatic get my drift. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Nothing is Impossible

Lets think logic here for a nanosecond....

If nothing is impossible, and anything is possible, that wouldn't it be impossible for something to be impossible. Then wouldn't possibility be limited by anything that's not possible to be impossible. So Impossibilities would be numerous, but possible.



Wow, I just love pepperoni plain from the package, yeah, don't judge me. You got a problem with that? Bring it! =) LOL. Anyway, I'm just finishing off a package of Hormel pepperoni. And this is like, amazing! So