Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Sunday, July 31, 2011

School Supply Shopping!

Hey Roni, Mary, Ari, Krissie, and Yoski, (and everyone else whose looking but I don't know the names of)
I just had to tell you guys about school shopping. It was amazing! I got a new binder after four years, same one, but different color. And I got an awesome new pen set and some other stuff, but the best thing of all, was... After going to Target, Wal-mart, Kmart, and Office Depot to find even A binder, I found something else that is sweetness! Drum roll please. It was (Spotlight shines) A New Flash Drive! (Crowd goes nuts) Ok, so I posted pics beneath of it. Tell me that you love it, because you cant not love it. I found it at Office Max. Go ahead and say it...It's ADORABLE!
Ok, well, just to confirm, yes, I am still a guy.
Leaving you slightly disturbed, this is Jalapandro, signing out.

Kitty Post #3

Every inch is her resting spot.

Oh, and everyone, I found a funny cat poem. Enjoy!

Cats Sleep Anywhere
Cats sleep anywhere, any table, any chair.
Top of piano, window-ledge, in the middle, on the edge.
Open draw, empty shoe, anybody's lap will do.
Fitted in a cardboard box, in the cupboard with your frocks.
Anywhere! They don't care! Cats sleep anywhere.
                                                       -Eleanor Farjeon

Project, Basketball, and Party!

Hey Peeps,
So today, we erected a basketball hoop and me and a friend from down the street played for a while. Actually he just taught me stuff. Here's the list of things I learned...
1. What a layup is.
2. The style of some guys named Lee Bron, David Lee, and another guy.
3. The California has four basketball teams and Texas has three.
4. How to do a layup.
5. How to do a reverse layup.
6. How to shoot with one hand while the other hand is guiding the ball.
7. How to do two types of dodges...

So you get the idea, I am really really new to this. :) So also, before that, we had a done-with-chemo party for another one of our neighbors who has been fighting cancer for six months. So you know how they have fruit arrangements with fruit like kabobs sticking out of a basket? Well, my mom thought we could make one with candy for the cancer patient, Ms. Sue. It didn't turn out quite like we had hoped, but we had a blast putting it together! LOL. Pictures are coming! Maybe tomorrow if possible. We have some technical difficulties.
Anyway, today we went to a new church, Springs Church, and it was OK, I guess. I'm not really sure where I stand. I mean, they have no high school ministry, and their pastor, whose been preaching for 40 years, looks so unnatural and doesn't understand some deep things in the Bible that even I get! Sigh, I did see a fellow classmate there though.
OK, so I have a reading journal to do on the book, Bruchko. I am glad to report that I am halfway finished! Yea!*And the crowd cheers* (Not really)
Also, my blog is moving on to another month with, what I think, is an impressive number of posts. August Fourth will have a special post for my one-month anniversary. I also need to congratulate Yoski for FINALLY starting to post again.
I need to work some more on my project because from ten to midnight is my only peace and quiet time.
See ya!

Friday, July 29, 2011

New Page!

Hey peeps,
You may have noticed that there is a new page on my blog. (I'll try to sound like an announcer) This is a limited edition page that will only be available for a couple of days so get your looks in quickly. (How'd that sound?) LOL.
Anyway, I'm just going to leave it up for a little while and let you guys read it. I had a blast while writing it and I had an even greater fun when I read it this morning. Please check it out and tell me how you like it. All posts are always open for comments.
OK, last night/this morning, I slept for about two hours on and off but that was it. two days ago, I developed an ear ache (maybe swimmer's ear) that prevented me from sleeping the night before last also. It stinks! So this morning I got up at 5:00 and I have been up ever since, typing, surfing, pretty much anything to keep me busy. :)
Anyways, Don't throw plates into windows, always do your summer homework, and NEVER try to electrocute a pickle. :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kitty Post #2

Cally waiting by the door so that we'll take pity 
and let her outside. :) (You know you've done it)

Welcome Krissie!

OK so normally I don't do welcome posts to people that I know, but I guess it's spatula. (Story below) So, Welcome Krissie, I'm glad you knew who I was from school even though my post was vague. :)
I also wanted to inform everyone to use the word spatula instead of the word cool when typing on my blog please. I know it sounds weird, but my neighbor started it and we want to see if we can get the whole world to say it. (I know its not going to happen, but it would be spatula) See? Isn't that fun?
Anyway, I just had spaghetti! No meatballs, but that's OK. My mom makes a special sauce with Italian sausage and it is amazing! Oh, and just for kicks, you know that weird song from like the 1800's? I think it goes...

"Yummy yummy yummy,
I got love in my tummy, 
and I feel like lovin' you."

...or something like that. Creepy, let me tell ya. I can imagine someone coming up to another person and singing that out of the blue. Ha Ha! What a sight! I would be like, "Get away from me creeper!"
Anyway I know I haven't posted in a few days, but nothing exciting has happened lately. Rather boring. By the way, do any of you guys watch leverage? If so, whose your favorite? Hardison is mine because I love computers and electronics and software and one day I hope to study technology.
Anyway, See ya guys!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Kitty Post #1

Hey guys,
I'm gonna start doing a "daily" cat post with a picture and description. Though "daily" can be interpreted as "whenever I remember." :) Hope you enjoy it!...

Cally with her weird carpet quirk she developed lately.

Rain! Suite Rain!

Hey everybody whose not reading this post (LOL),
It's a rainin'! Yea! I am so happy, but my dog Buddy is scared to death. Weird. Lightning and thunder are the ONLY things he's scared of. Just enough time to write this post before I go out to play in it. :) Funny thing is, I was brought up by a paranoid father, (Story, but not for a blog) who is in New York right now, that forced me to be terrified of lightning and storms because of hydroelectrocution. (Electrocution in water) By the time I was like five I was listing that word to other people in my excuses to be afraid of thunderstorms. Pretty harsh huh? Anyway, when my parents split 7 years ago, I conquered that fear and now thunderstorms have become one of my favorite things! (Sound of Music!) Life can be so ironic. :)
Anyway, a long long long time ago I received a big blue bin FULL of legos, one of my other most favorite things! All these years I have kept them until I found out that every single piece in that huge bin belonged to about fifteen old and extremely rare sets. Unfortunately, many pieces have been lost, but I am currently working on buying replacements and such. I am working on set 4990 Rock Raiders HQ, and I have already ordered most of the necessary, absent pieces. FUN! I hope to sell some on eBay.
Well, I gtg and play before the rain dies down. See ya!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Shopping! (Yes I'm A Guy)

Hey followers, visitors, and other people who aren't even going to see this,
So, every other year, my mom gets me some new clothes before school starts. It is so much fun for me! I know this is very creepy to hear from a guy, but just hang with me here. It's so much fun for me because I don't do it very often. Anyway, I got four shirts and a pair of jeans at Macy's. My grandma got me some clothes for my birthday (June 21) and I returned some of them for one I really liked.
Anyway, this is going to be a short post because I need to get to my summer homework that I still have to work on. Bruchko is a good book and all, but this project is making me hate it.
So until next time, don't drink alcohol, always eat a good breakfast, and NEVER get a Fujifilm camera. :)
See ya!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's Like, Eleven.

Hey guys,
This is an extremely tired Jalapandro writing to you on.....the date above the post at about 11:00 when I didn't get much sleep last night. (YAWN) Anyway, what do you guys think about me writing a post once or twice a week with a digitally remastered picture and a bible verse that goes with it? (Takes glasses off and rubs eyes) I tink it vuud bea cule. My mom doesn't know I'm up right now and my computer is making a c**p load of noise, so I need to shut it down. (SIGH) Anyway, just thought I'd pass along the idea before I forget it. (Blinks eyes to keep open) See ya!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fishing Trip #3

Hey guys,
I skipped a trip because #2 was really boring and stupid and a waste of time because we caught nothing. It was at North Catamount where you could only use lures because there were as many fish. Not fun.
Anyway, Mr. Mark picked me up at 7:00 am...after I only got 6 hours of sleep. But I put on a good face for him and we went to the same reservoir, South Catamount. Anyway, the first half hour we didn't catch anything and I was really bored. (Had TONS of time to take pics though :) Then Mr. Mark caught the first fish and we went from there ending up with 9. I had six and he had three. we brought only eight home, because that was the limit, and were gonna have them for dinner. YUM! I LOVE SEAFOOD! Even though we got a bunch of cuts and stabs from the fish hooks, we had a blast. Oh, and for fun, we washed our hands with germ-x once we got in the car. It hurt like Crazy! ;P Anyway, see ya guys later!

PS: I would Love it if you guys shared your fishing experiences. :)

Welcome Mary!

Hi Mary, 
Finally I know someone who seems to love rain as much as I do. Rain Rain Rain Rain! LOL. Rain! :) Actually, it is raining where I am right now and that makes me HAPPY!
Anyway, Thank you very much for joining my little, random blog I have here. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to shoot me an email. If you could only imagine how exciting this is to have more people looking at my blog and liking it. This is so cool!
So, business, my picture page was a total FAIL, and my video page didn't do so hot. Picture page is leaving for now, but I think I'll keep the video page a while longer.
Other news, I found out that one of the biggest weirdo at my school is not coming back next year! Yea!! (No Arieverafter, I wasn't referring to Michael) LOL
Anyway, welcome to the little family of randoms! :)

Fishing Trip #1

Hey Everyone,
So from now on I am going to create small, short fishing trip posts. Sound cool?
This one will be past tense from a while ago...
Let's start at the beginning for this one. My family is entered in the Big Brother Big Sister program, but I got two weird big brothers in a row and gave up. I'm not really a supporter of the program anymore, and never really was. Maybe that's because I am extremely cautious about being around grown up men. But anyway, my sister's, big sister's, husband Mr. Mark (On this blog, we'll call him that) offered to take me fishing with him to South Catamount in the Rockies, a reservoir. That was the first time I had fished in my life and I caught 11 fish! It was SO MUCH FUN! The only bad thing was the hike, which was about a mile up and down uneven terrain around the lake to the good spot. It was worth it thought and "My oh my were those fish delicious!" (I love seafood by the way, ANY seafood) So there, small, short, to-the-point reporting.

Reflection, What did I learn?
I learned how to cast a line, how to take the hook out of the fish, how to hold a slippery fish, and how to clean a fish all within about three and a half hours. That's gotta be a record for me.
Anyway, TTYL,

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Beautiful Sunset!

Hey Everyone,
It is 8:26 and I just watched one of the most beautiful sunsets. Dark clouds covered most of the sky leaving out a line just above the Rocky Mountains. The small bit of sky showing was a lovely pink hue with visible rays of orange streaking across it. In front of the view, bolts of lightning struck every few seconds like descending angels from the clouded heavens. It was truly breath-taking, and if you think that it is strange for a boy to be marveling a sunset, just know that I appreciate fine sights. I did get some pictures with my camera, but they aren't quality, and all you see is a glow above the mountains. I do however, have other pictures of the sky taken from the same vantage point. Here are some.

Those are power lines. 
Wanna guess how I did the "second sun?"
No Digital Remastering.

Not so zoomed.

Dead of Night, Full Moon, Cloud Drifted Over.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ten Facts About You

I found this list on a YouTube comment and thought it was pretty funny, Enjoy!

1. You are reading this comment
2.You are realizing that is a stupid fact didn't notice I skipped three.
5 You're checking now
6. You're smiling
7.You are still reading my comment
9 You didn't realize I skipped eight
10. You're checking again and smiling about how you fell for it again.
11. You are enjoying this
12. You didn't realize there are only supposed to be ten facts.

He had me nailed! LOL. What about you guys?
See ya!

Welcome Roni!

Hey Roni,
Thank you so much for following, I know I am terribly short of followers as of right now. So, on behalf of me and my two friends, Welcome!
OK, down to business, you may have noticed I added a page for my cat. I encourage you to check it out. My cat is the best on Earth, No really. She even has all of the continents on here, Asia, Europe, and Africa are the most obvious of her black spots. I'll try to post more pics, but I need to know how. I think I'll ask Arieverafter since she has plenty on her blog.
Well, after leaving my posting for two seconds to call another friend, I found out that I got him in trouble for asking him to look at my blog. I guess he's not suppose to look or do anything with blogs or computers? I am so confused! What's so bad about a blog?! Then, after telling my mom about it, she said she totally agreed with his mom. She said that she isn't and never was OK with blogs! WHAT!? I have no idea what all the fuss is about. It's just a BLOG!
Sorry guys, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Maybe I should open the comments to being able to express different situations that you are having trouble with. Hmm, Something to ponder.
Anyway, It looks as though I need to go.
Recharge your phone, don't spill milk on your camera, and never try throwing a bag from Olive Garden in the microwave. (Story)
See ya guys!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Getting a Dog!

Hey guys,
We went down to Seven Falls, then followed the river for a while out of their territory. It was great! I built a dam and pretty much made a pool. Not exceptionally deep, but enough to have fun. Also, on the way to Starsmore Discovery Center, we passed by this house with magnificent, tree-sized metal sculptures. They were amazing! Oh, our new dog came with us too! We got a Chow/German Shepherd/Yellow Lab mix from the humane society. He had so much fun walking around in the water even though he his 7 or 8 years old (We're not sure) His name is Buddy, I know, very unique huh?
OK, so over the summer, I have to read two books and finish two projects on "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Really stupid book) and "Bruchko" (Receiving in the next day or two) Not exactly looking forward to it, but I am trusting to get some help from Arieverafter.
Oh, and on the way back from the creek, we passed this truck that's tire was about to burst into flames. It gave off a lot of smoke and we tried following it, but we lost him.
Well, that's all for today!
Don't hit people with computers, never rub your hand down a plywood board, and always make sure that the flame thrower is pointed AWAY from you before using!
LOL, See ya!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Garage Sale Over.......Finally!

Hey everyone,
I officially hate garage sales. Strike that, I hate managing a garage sale. I love going to one, but now I know how much effort goes into them. Most of the stress was due to my mom. She became cranky and snappy and crappy and her judgement turned to mush. Not Fun, let me tell you.
Anyway, I got the book Song of the Ovulum by Bryan Davis. Phenomenal! Although it was hard to follow sometimes and the antagonists were the same, I thoroughly enjoyed the four hours I spent pouring through it. If any of you like dragons, mythology, christian fiction, or all of them, I highly recommend Bryan Davis. I currently await the coming of another of his books, Diviner.
These two garage sale days have been the only days not to rain. Don't get me wrong, it was great, but I like the sound of rain and thunder. You'll see rain and water listed in my "interests."
Also, something that I recently figured out. If you are asking an opinion for any topic or thing, it doesn't matter, and they give two choices, here are the results:

If they list the bad things first and then add the good things afterward, their general opinion leans toward the positive side. (Yeah, you know where this is going)
If they list the good things first and then add the bad things afterward, their general opinion leans toward the negative side.

Try it, it always works. If you do happen to find a scenario that does not work, then post it on here, but I doubt you will find one.
Anyway peeps, I gtg.
See ya next time!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rainy Day!

Oh My Gosh I Love Rain!
It has rained for the last half of like eight days now.  Even now I can hear the rumble of thunder preceded by brilliant flashes of lightning. It's exhilarating! But sadly, this is nothing compared to New York....I should probably tell you guys that I lived in New York for five years. Kind of a depressing area, but only noticeable until you have detached yourself from it. There, you could get up to 24 foot snow drifts (I am not kidding you) on either side of country roads. For a town of a couple hundred people, we had seven snowplows. (That's a ton of snow!) Anyway, there, we had massive snowstorms, thunderous booms, huge lightning streaks, and amazing rainfall! Those were real storms. I wish we got them here. :(
Ooh, something else, we have a garden! It produced so much the last two years, but this year has been disappointing. Maybe the soil needs to regenerate or something. Anyone have any ideas? Anyway, despite the other stuff, my pea plants are getting along great! We grow grapes, rhubarb, zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, peas, carrots, and leeks. Last year we grew broccoli and lettuce too.
ANYWAY, I get off on the biggest rabbit trails, It's dinnertime and I need to go.
Ketchup with y'all later.

Lets Talk Books.

Hey Guys, Me Again,
This is a post exclusively for book discussions and comments of anything from authors to publication.
Lets start with my favorite author, Bryan Davis. From Memphis, Tennessee, he has written three of my favorite series, and a couple other odds and ends. Dragons in our Midst was the first series of his with mythological content, and he followed it up with Oracles of Fire, the prequel AND sequels to Dragons in our Midst. Both are phenomenal! He has also announce yet another sequel series called, Children of the Bard, I eagerly await its arrival. Bryan Davis also wrote another series, The Dragons of Starlight. I don't find this one quite as intriguing, but I can claim that it is well-written.
Another great author is Erin Hunter, who wrote the ever-famous Warriors series. I follow these book almost to the point of insanity (exaggeration). However, I have a list, maybe the only one, of every single Clan cat mentioned in the series. Anyway, I recommend both authors.
If you are looking for suggestions I would say Redwall, Narnia (Superb!), John Grisham (Lawyers and Law), and Chuck Black.
Good luck to all you readers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sorry For The Delay

Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven't written in a while, but I got my computer taken away for various reason...yeah, you know where this is going. :) But now, after a week, I have it back, and boy what an awful week its been. Mom is cranky, garage sale coming up....wait a second. I haven't mentioned that yet. Well were having a garage sale this weekend on Saturday. I never knew what a pain it is! You've gotta label everything! And make tables, and price stuff and set everything up...Grrrrr.
Anyway, on a more happy note...yeah I got nothin'. Nothing but the Casey Anthony case. Any of you read up on that. It is extremely saddening.
I have news on books but I think I'll do a special post for that.
WOW, keeping up with a blog is tough. I just don't have very many things to write about.
Well, that's all for now.
See y'all later

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Awesome Book Blog!

Hey everyone,
I found this awesome new blog called rosiepages. The two people running it review books, and if you are a reader, I strongly recommend supporting them. I have.
Anyway, the fireworks last night were fantastic! Their were so many different kinds, I was blow away! Best rocket display I have seen so far in my life. Hope y'all had a great 4th of July!
Don't set off illegal fireworks!! LOL


Monday, July 4, 2011


Hey everyone, Jalapandro here,
This is my first post ever so hang with me here. I did absolutely nothing today!!!! Aren't ya proud? Probably not. :( But that's OK. Actually, I lied, I swam for about an hour at Microtel inn and sweets (or something like that).
So, this morning I woke up with a start, and jumped out of bed........right into a wall. This morning has also alerted me to the fact that I cannot balance a glass of juice on top of a box that I am carrying down steps. Very educational start to my day huh?
Anyway, the highlight of my day is yet to come. I am going over to a friends house to watch the Fireworks from the Sky Sox stadium (Which is magnificent if your drinking pop and eating junkfood I might add ) :P
So really, this is going to be a short first post.
I'll wrap it up for now with this,
Don't get hit by a car, love all cats, be kind to your feathered friends...and DONT let your little sibling in the cookie jar.
LOL Talk to y'all later.