Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Spiritual Maturity

I feel so proud of myself. At church tonight, our Youth Pastor, Nathan, asked all of us what we thought "Spiritual Maturity" meant. Well, this is my definition that I just kinda, on-the-spot made up, but I wanted to share it and ask what you guys thought.

"The constantly developing measurement of your following and understanding of God's Word and principles and how they apply to your daily life."

Yes, I was sure proud of sounding smart with big words for once, :) but do you agree with this? Is there another aspect that you think should be added? I just thought this was an interesting thought of the day....
So if you feel like it, share what comes to your mind after reading this. Even if it is rainbows or water buffalo. :) Thanks!

PS: And yes, I did recently see Veggietales. :D

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Wow, we just had a 4-day weekend, and I did absolutely nothing but play least until my java software started to reject it. Now I can't playz it. Sadness. Anyway, I started on peaceful and built (or dug) and now have found massive caverns surrounding the center of a volcano. Yeah, it pretty awesome. But I found out I have a knack for sniper archery. :) Pretty awesome. From what I've counted in my latest play times, I've killed 133 zombies, 68 skeleton archers, 47 creepers, 44 spiders, 1 slime, and 3 undermen. Not counting the villagers and animals I've killed. :D I love survival in blocks. Ok, so, yeah. Its an amazing game! And I recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it. Definitely! :)

Althought Java sucks, just in general, so expect some minor problems. :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Kitty Post #27

My cat got a little restless while my mom 
fumbled with the camera. :)

So here she is, gnawing on my cheekbone. HAHA! Totally unrehearsed, but completely awesome! :) I know its been forever since I did one of these, but yeah. Here it is. And I think its worth it. :) So yeah, this is a really embarressing picture of me, all of my face seems messed up. -_-

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Pantry

SO my mom and I just finished cleaning out the pantry. Yeah, scary enough already. Anyway, in 1999, right before Y2K, my dad bought like 2 TONS of dried food in preparation for the upcoming (inferred) disaster. Anyway, we lived off of that for three years and still had hundreds of boxes, like half left. We gave most of it away to a family of 8 (now 9) in New York before we moved out here. During the move, we only took about 20 boxes with 6 cans per box. Anyway, high up in the pantry, we found some leftover....FROM 1999! Now I know its mostly still good, but it sounds disgusting anyway.'s some of the stuff we found...

Cheese Powder, yeah,  here's another....
Just looks wonderful doesn't it. Blah! Looked
bad so we threw it out.

 Dried Bacon Bits: Mm-hmm, smelled like 
rotting pork rinds.

 Vegetable letter soup; I voted to trash it,
so we did, but still, really???

 A pic of the vegetable soup...

 Cocoa Mix. Still fine and fresh. Smelled great,
so I tried some and it tasted fine. :D Yea!

And this, looked Ok, tasted fine, keeper.

A completely sealed can that I tentatively opened
only to find some great Spaghetti noodles. :)
(Perfect timing, mom was debating on dinner tomorrow)

Oh, one thing that sucked though, was that 
there was old honey stuck to the bottom of everything. :(

In the conclusion, I must regret that I forgot to take a picture, but we found 5 and a half cans of...what?....beans. Yes, beans of every shape and size you could ever imagine. Yikes! SO, I guess this also outlines my eating habits for the next few weeks huh? :) Anyway, its late, so I should go, but still, I've gotta ask...really?? :D I mean, I never knew my dad well, but he seemed like a complete psycho. Not just based on this. Actually, this was a good desicion I think, and it was good to prepare for the unexpected. Even so, I think it was a little overboard. I mean, seriously, 4,000 POUNDS!! XD

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Liebster Award

OK, sorry for not posting in like forever. I have been busy, busy, busy. Busy enough to believe that saying "busy" two times more than necessary adds extra effect. :) So, according to Roni, Rebecca, and Annie, I have been nominated for three Liebster Awards which I still don't get.... Wait here while I go back to their pages and check them out. :) Oh, I get it, OK, here's my 11 things about me...

About Me
  1. I want a pet Woodchuck, Panda, Python, or Koala. (or all)
  2. I hate Spring and Summer, but love Fall and Winter.
  3. Precipitation, Food, Crunchy Leaves and Charades makes me happy.
  4. I have a sick fascination with heights.
  5. I want to be the Avatar in the cartoon series. :)
  6. I am equally scared as I am fascinated by heights.
  7. I am probably the worst party guest ever, seriously. :)
  8. MY maturity level changes with how many people I'm with.
  9. Making up words is my specialty.
  10. I love watching a good movie.
  11. I want to die by jumping out of a plane without a parachute.

Rebecca's Questions
  1. Favorite Avenger Captain America
  2. Favorite Vegetable Green Beans
  3. Tape or Staples? Staples, definitely
  4. How many US states have you been in? 19 or 20
  5. Have you ever had stitches? Nope
  6. Favorite book? I have a lot of them
  7. Are you tall, short, or average? Short a year ago, Average now, Growing taller all the time. Probably to about 6' 2". :)
  8. Do you like tater-tots? No
  9. Raspberry or strawberry? Raspberry
  10. How many people are in your family? 4
  11. Have you ever seen a grizzly bear? No, almost, at caddying, one hole away. :)
Roni's Questions
  1. Your favorite kind of ice cream? Black Raspberry
  2. Backstage or lead role? Lead Role a year ago, backstage now
  3. Movies that you cried while watching in theaters? Titanic
  4. Your latest New Year's resolution? Not to make New Years Resolutions :)
  5. Do you wish you were more outgoing? Or do you wish you were less outgoing? I hang in the background and observe, and I like it that way. To be prepared for anything.
  6. Favorite movie soundtrack? Rio
  7. Your dream instrument? Super-ooper-double-looper Ugaphonium
  8. Random thing that made you smile today? My Speech Topic
  9. Your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? Go outside
  10. Favorite brand of jeans? Um, the only brand that comes to mind are Levi's
  11. Do you like my blog? Of COURSE! :)
 Annie's Questions
  1. Who's your favorite actor/actress? James Roday
  2. Favorite thing about Fall? Crunchy Leaves, Pumpkin, Spice, Pies, All of IT!
  3. Your reason for liking photography? It's fun to see what you can capture.
  4. The craziest thing you've ever done? Well that's confidential, but one had to be almost starting a forest fire with Yoski...or repelling off her roof with an old broken hose...
  5. Cupcakes or cake? Neither
  6. Favorite book? I have a lot
  7. Pumpkin carving or trick-or-treating? Pumpkin Carving
  8. What do you like most about blogging? Designing
  9. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Prohibition
  10. Avengers or LOTR? Lord of the Rings!
  11. And finally, one little kid question, Dory or Squirt? Dory 100%
Yoski (on this blog)

My Questions:
  1.  Life Role Model?
  2. Favorite Book?
  3. Funniest Thing You've Ever Done?
  4. Favorite Movie?
  5. Star Wars, Star Trek, or LOTR?
  6. Pets? What kind?
  7. Favorite Season? Why?
  8. Play an Instrument?
  9. Craziest Thing You've Ever Done?
  10. Favorite Sport?
  11. What would you Change in the World?