Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Oh My Gosh, I have just finished watching the best movie EVERRRRR! Rated PG-13 for frequent use of cursing, Unstoppable is the most heart-stopping movie I have ever seen. The tension flies, the anger increases, the plot thickens, and the stakes grow higher by the second, but comradeship, determination, and a large amount of adrenaline succeed in the mission to stop a train carrying extremely toxic and explosive materials from blowing up in the metropolis city of Stanton, Pennsylvania. Based on true facts, this film will make your heart race, your emotions fly, your arms shake, and your body sit rigid on the edge of your seat. Director Tony Scott recruits such stars as Denzel Washington to act in this fantastic movie.
Personally, I was touched by the friendship developed by the two main characters and the events (even emotional ones) that lead up to the conclusion. Though lives are lost, it is not bloody at all and surprisingly, the language was mild. Not anything compared to movies, Speed or Matrix. Anyway, I have to retire to bed because my mom is worried that I'll get into a habit of staying up late, then I'll be super-ooper tired at 5:30 when I wake up to go to school. I take a 7:00 class.
So, if I can secretly get back on I will and maybe write some more stuff, but if not, until next time...
Don't kill salamanders, always cook your lettuce, and someday, try the Zoupa Tuscana from Olive Garden. Seriously, it's amazing! :)
See ya!

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