Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, December 24, 2012

I Am Scrooge

I have finally found who I am descended from. Scrooge and the Grinch before him. Seriously, I do not like Christmas except for the break from school that comes around Christmas time. There is nothing like a big holiday to stir up family problems, attitudes, and bad moods. My house is like...I really don't know how to compare it....BLAH!! My mom is depressed because my sisters wont let her take any pictures, my bad sister is b**chy 24/7 because she wants to take complete control of all the projects we were working on as a surprise for mom. I am just holing up in my room, which I must say is quite boring. But I'm munching on Beef Jerky. :D Cuz my good sis, Emma, got me a HUGE package of it as a present. :) But yes, Christmas is certainly a depressing time. Sorry, if this makes no sense...I am weriting this very quickly. But I pity other people who have family gatherings, its just hectic! OK, I gtg. C y'all!