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Monday, August 1, 2011

Kitty Post #4

Hey guys,
I'm not going to put a picture, but instead, I have officially found the sadest cat poem I've ever heard in my life. Don't focus on the bad rhyming, but it seriously almost made me cry. I would say enjoy, but I think "Cry too" would be more appropriate.

I hope I'm not asking too much, Lord;
All I want is a home of my own,
And to know when my next meal is coming
Instead of the scraps I get thrown.

I've been out in the cold for so long now,
Just coping as best as I can;
But it's not been so long I've forgotten
The touch of a soft caring hand.

I look in house windows at Christmas,
As cats doze by the fire, quite replete;
How I'd welcome a box in the kitchen,
And tasty food for me to eat.

For me there was tinsel and giftwrap,
But the fun didn't last very long.
They put me outside with the rubbish;
I still don't know what I did wrong.

I really don't want to be greedy;
At the moment I'm all skin and bone,
So would it be too much to hope,
That someone will give me a home?
                                  -Author Unknown

Just a reminder to please, please! Never turn away a stray cat (or dog) even though your mom or dad may say no. You never know how much the life you could have saved would ave meant to you. Even if putting food out is the best you can do, please do it!

1 comment:

Kristen Kassing said...

aw, that poem is so sad:( far my family hasn't turned away any strays that have come into our lives:) in fact that's how i got my two kitties:) my mom had found their mom while attending a huge conference in denver and took her home. she later had babies and we kept two of her four kittens:) lovely post, krissie