Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at


Name: Alex, Alexander, Alexander John
Occupation: Kitchen Assisstant at Glen Eyrie
Role Model: James Roday, Michael Weatherly

(Just a quick pic of me :D)

About Me on the Home Page: "

I am Alexander John, a hardly reasonable, sometimes sleeping, many times depressed, distracted, isolated,  imaginative, hazardous, never-without-an-opinion, highly-motivated-to-do-nothing, 16 year old who misses most big events, thinks eating is a waste of time, and hates running. I am currently loving the piano, playing club volleyball, learning American Sign Language, and watching an insane amount of movies and TV shows to educate myself from my long life of TV deprivement.

Synopsis of Me: However much I may joke, I really am not motivated at all, I dread getting a summer job, driving a car, getting more homework Junior year, think about college, participating in school or public activities, and pretty much growing up in general. I dream of one day moving to Seattle or some other continuously foggy city. I LOVE fog. I also like playing the piano, hanging out with friends, and watching movies on my computer, but as for the rest of life, I could not care less. This is a constant frustration for my mom, so I guess either God is going to decide to give me a vision for my life or something to strive for, or I'm going to end up hopping trains. Not much can truly scare me, but the future terrifies me...


Christian Music I Like: (Work in Progress)

  • 33 Miles ("Gone", "When It All Comes Down")
  • Anthem Lights (Everything)
  • Britt Nicole ("Lost Get Found")
  • Casting Crowns (Everything)
  • Colton Dixon ("You Are...")
  • Desperation Band ("Counting on God")
  • Fireflight ("Forever")
  • Lecrae ("God is Enough")
  • MercyMe (Everything)
  • Red ("Never Be the Same")
  • tobyMac ("Steal My Show", "City on our Knees")

Things I like: Afternoon Tea, Air, Alaska, Alphabetizing, Animals, Artichoke, Autumn, Baby Powder, Backspace, Baseball, Beavers, Books, Break, Building, Butterflies, Cards, Cats, Cell phones, Charlieissocoollike, Chipmunks, Clothes, Cloudy days, Coconut, Coffee, Computers, Cooking, Crab Legs, Crabs, Digital Photo Enhancement, Doctor Who, Dolphins, Dr. Seuss, Dragons, Drain-O, Drama, Dreams, Driving, Elves (lotr), Electronics, English Accents, English Muffins, Eragon, Fantastic Contraption 2, Fire, Fishing, Flash Drives, Fog, Germ-X, Ginger Snaps, Greek Yogurt, Group1Crew, Hiking, Hydra, Imagining, Ingenuity, Isolation, James Roday, Jellyfish, Josh Hutcherson, Karate, Keys, Kmart, Legends, Legos, Leverage, Locks, Lord of the Rings, Medieval Weapons, Milkshakes, Mocha, Movies, Moving, Nature, NCIS: LA, Newsboys, Organization, Oxygen, Paper Clips, Personal Space, Photography, Picnik, Privacy, Pomegranates, Pools, Popsicles, Prohibition, Psych,  Rain, Reading, Rock Climbing, Scholarships, Seafood, Singing, Skillet, Sledding, Sleeping, Snow, Snowball Fights, Sonic, Sorbet, Sour Gummy Worms, Squirrels, Starbucks, Star Wars, Stories, Swimming, Swords, Technology, Telescopes, Texting, "The Hunger Games", Toffee, Trees, Tums, "Undo," Vacations, Vanilla, Volleyball, Water, Waterbending, Weekends, White Out, Winter, Writing, Yahoo, YouTube

Things I don't like: Alcohol Effects, Allergies, Ants, Athletes Foot, Bananas, Bees, Birthdays, Black Licorice, Camels, Candy, Centipedes, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Chocolate Chip Pancakes, Clowns, Cotton Trees, Copyright, Counselors, Creator of Family Guy, Disney Classics, Drugs, Dust, Dustmites, Eating, Elf (movie), Family, Glasses, Grass, Grounding, Hard Metal Music, Haters, Hide and Seek, High School, High School Dating, High School Musical, Holidays, Homework, Hospitals, Insects, Jobs, Know-it-All's, Llamas, Lollypop Guild, “Memory Full," Metal Slides, Monkeys, Mosquitoes, Muppets, Napoleon Dynamite, "No Signal," Obama, Peaches, People who don't suck, Poisonous Plants, Pollution, Probation, Punishment, Rebecca Black, Reporters, Running, PE, Silly Bandz®, Sisters, Slow Computers, Smoking, Social Gatherings, Spinning, Spiders, Spring, Stalkers, Summer, The Dixie Chick, “To Kill A Mockingbird," Traffic, Trampolines, Typing Class, Vacuums, Viruses, Wasps, Weeds, Work

Favorite Book Series: 
  • The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
  • Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini
  • Children of the Bard by Bryan Davis
  • Oracles of Fire by Brian Davis
  • Dragons in our Midst by Brian Davis
  • Dragons of Starlight by Brian Davis
  • Warriors by Erin Hunter
  • All Books by John Grisham
  • Narnia by C. S. Lewis
  • Redwall by Bryan Jacques
  • All books by Frank Peretti
  • The Circle Series by Ted Dekker
  • The Birthmarked Trilogy by Cargh M. O'Brien