Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kitty Post #11

Umm....I got nothin'


Kristen Kassing said...

hi jalapandro:) so about your question....this might sound a little confusing, but it's actually really easy to do:) okay so all you have to do is create a link list (it's on your gadgets page). in order to do that you need to make labels on all of the posts you want to be in that category (exampe: labels: kitty post). you can add the labels to your posts on the bottom left of your posts when you go to edit them. once you have made labels for all of your posts, go to one of your posts and click on the label (kitty post) you have made. it should take you to a page that says "showing newest posts with label kitty post". while on this page, copy the url and then make a link list and paste that url into the box that says "new site url". then, under "new site name" put 'kitty posts'. then click "save" and you now have a link page that your followers can click on to see only the posts that have the label "kitty post". oh, and make sure to add your link list gadget to the side of your blog if you don't want your pages at the top of your blog to go away. if you have any questions, please do ask! hope this helps:) krissie

Yoski said...

how about "Kitty is angry because she can't get away from her crazy owner and his camera" :P

Jalapandro said...

Love it!