Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Goodbye Arieverafter.

Hey guys,
These are going to be the hardest posts for me as friends leave and blogs disappear. This is a finally farewell to Ari's wonderful blog, Arieverafter. Each member that I know that leaves shall have their own farewell post, which I hope I will not have to write many. So Ari, if you still read this, sorry you had to leave blogger. Maybe you'll start it up again someday? Well wishers please leave a comment just in case Ari actually gets this.
More posts coming today, but I though this one should remain separate.
Goodbye Ari, and see ya to everyone else.


Kristen Kassing said...

i know, sad right? :( buut....make sure to tell your followers that arie is actually going to be guest posting on my blog every once in a while, so she has not disappeared from blogger for good:) she and i will be posting quite a lot on my blog, krissie loves chocolate milk about craftie stuff:) krissie

Arieverafter said...

oops, i kinda removed my post.. haha still not good with blogger i guess (: but thank you dearest brother for putting this amazingly sweet post on (: i luh you! and all others who read: look out, because arie is going ellephant crazy (; i'm going to guest on krissie's blog! woo! xoxoxo

Jalapandro said...

Hey ari, glad to have you back and even more that you aren't totally leaving blogger. I should do a "These are the Blogs worth reading" post shouldn't I? Anyway, see you in a week yoski, ari and krissie. -Jayzk, Jay, Jalapandro, Jayski...I really don't care which.

Yoski said...

buhbye arie.... :'( and alex...Jayski? >.> dangerously close, my friend.........