Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, August 8, 2011

Computer, She Purrs

Hey guys,
i ez sooooo prowd uv mi self! So last night from 11:30 pm to 1:05 am I completely disassembled and reassembled my computer. I was really cool. I took off the plating and removed the speakers and found the motherboard and keys...amazing! Anyway, whenever I would even turn on my computer before, it would immediately heat up and get really loud. To the point where I would have to get ice packets and switch them out every half hour to keep it below 60 degrees. Now it purrs like a kitten and I've had it on for a half hour now and it hasn't heated up AT ALL! Anyway, last night, right as I was putting everything away, my mom came into the room and scolded me for being up at 1. Yeah, iz duz feal prowd. :)
Anyvay, I gtg. TTYL,

1 comment:

Yoski said...

*hm hm!* you haz no "DUDE THATS FREAKING EPIC! :O" reaction >.>