Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


No, no, no, no, and no. I know what your thinking, but this is not a video of me dancing and it NEVER will happen because, frankly, I don't dance. EVER! So don't ask. :P

Anyway, Tums is my best friend, yes, there you go. I'm talking about real salsa, like Pace and Ortega and Tostitos and mom has just informed me that Ragu is not in fact salsa, but Spaghetti sauce. No wonder it tasted so odd with chips! XD I thought it was just because it expired like a month and a half ago. :P Anyway, moving on, I love salsa, but it always gives me awful heartburn for some reason, thus the Tums. Ever heard of them? They help heartburn just enough so that you get addicted to it...And the flavored ones are really tasty! So I am admitting that I have a problem, besides being high like every da.....

OMG! "Don't Stop Believing" is on...DANCE PARTY!!

4 minutes later....
Well that was invigorating. :) Really, don't judge me because you weren't here, and YOU didn't SEE it. It was fun and awesome, and I ka-blammed my pinky toe into the side of a dresser....nvrmd. Anyway...

Where was I? Oh yeah, I have a problem because I absolutely love salsa, but its painful. (Who ever knew that appetizers could be so dangerous?....well...besides Elliot, played by Christian Kane, on Season 1 Episode 7 of the great TV show "Leverage." Oh yeah, I need to end the parenthesis) There you go, happy? OK, anyway, on Leverage, he stuffs a spicy lemon appetizer into his opponents eyes knocking him out somehow. Yeah, that's the story...

Sorry if this makes no sense, but I feel kinda happy. :) And I'm just saying that I can't stop eating salsa, but it hurts, but I think its worth it....yeah.

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