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Friday, January 6, 2012

Nintendo 64

Halleluiah! Yippee! Raise the Roof! Round of Champagne! Kill the Fatted Calf!
Do some other poetic things for celebration!

So I've had a Nintendo 64 (N64) for eight or nine years now, but for the past four years, the cord hasn't worked and my mom didn't want me to buy a new one....too many video games or something. But, as a wise philosopher said....maybe..... "For every dilemma, there is a equal and just as brilliant solution." I don't know, I just like totally made that up. But anyway, Matt got me a N64 cord for Chritmas and my system FINALLY WORKS! I only have the games Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Star Wars: Pod Racing, and Super Mario 64, but its great too play it again. I just finished 3 hours of reacquainting myself with the old, odd, and extremely comfortable remote (Below) of the N64. I had a nice chat with it (I just said that I was so excited to play it), took it out for coffee (Poured a glass of chocolate milk to celebrate), and even went dancing afterwards (A short twirl to show my excitement). Yeah, pretty much I had a great time playing my favorite games again after four years of wishing it worked. Yep, just had to post this monumental occasion.

So what else has been going on in my life? Well, I just found out that I scored a 59% on my English final (Mom is totally unaware of course), I lost the part of JoJo in Suessical to Ari/Aryn/Arieverafter (I guess I deserved it after the awful audition that I prepared, seriously, I was too nervous to sing or ANYTHING), and I am trying to get out of choir (which I really liked.....before our wonderful teacher left) and into Audio Production. Yeah, I can honestly say that after three days of school, I desperately needed this weekend.

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