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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Friends in a Car Wreck

 If you have not already heard of the Woodland Park Bus Crash in Colorado Springs, please visit these sites and especially look at the comments below.

This is the Woodland Park Bus from my school. It was carrying 14 passengers, most of which I know well, but the news reporters have it completely wrong. The two teenagers responsible for the wreck my good friend, Cy, knows very well. He was in that crash and all 14 kids, plus the parents only moments away from picking up their kids who saw the wreck, say that our bus had the green, and the teens in the car were speeding at about sixty miles through the red light. These news reporters are completely wrong in trying to pin the blame on our bus driver Rusty. Rusty (as we call him) is in the hospital for possible neck and brain damage, please keep him in your prayers. I am actually going to invite Cy to do a quick guest post and tell us what this is all about and what actually happened. Again, please keep Rusty and his family in your prayers.

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