Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Garage Sale Over.......Finally!

Hey everyone,
I officially hate garage sales. Strike that, I hate managing a garage sale. I love going to one, but now I know how much effort goes into them. Most of the stress was due to my mom. She became cranky and snappy and crappy and her judgement turned to mush. Not Fun, let me tell you.
Anyway, I got the book Song of the Ovulum by Bryan Davis. Phenomenal! Although it was hard to follow sometimes and the antagonists were the same, I thoroughly enjoyed the four hours I spent pouring through it. If any of you like dragons, mythology, christian fiction, or all of them, I highly recommend Bryan Davis. I currently await the coming of another of his books, Diviner.
These two garage sale days have been the only days not to rain. Don't get me wrong, it was great, but I like the sound of rain and thunder. You'll see rain and water listed in my "interests."
Also, something that I recently figured out. If you are asking an opinion for any topic or thing, it doesn't matter, and they give two choices, here are the results:

If they list the bad things first and then add the good things afterward, their general opinion leans toward the positive side. (Yeah, you know where this is going)
If they list the good things first and then add the bad things afterward, their general opinion leans toward the negative side.

Try it, it always works. If you do happen to find a scenario that does not work, then post it on here, but I doubt you will find one.
Anyway peeps, I gtg.
See ya next time!

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