Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Hey guys,
Sorry, I haven't written in like, forever. So, last night, I stayed at my school till 10pm to play in a high school wide volleyball tournament. It was loads of fun, but our team lost every game. ABC ministries, the group of high schoolers who arranged it, really have something going there.
Also I have the most amazing cat video ever! Check it

Hmm. What else...what else? Oh yeah...I got nothin'
I just finished typing a bunch of my English notes and I have to say that I am very proud. LOL
Also, also, I forgot to tell you guys the story of how I fell into the millet truck on the farm. It's like a big semi that can be filled from the top and holds grains and millet and stuff. I'll try to fit it in later, but now I have to go to some stupid Saturday night church service.
Anyway, I was also going to put up an additional religion post just to share my view of things and open it up for discussion, but even thought they don't get on very often, I have a "other personality for school so I can't risk anything. :)
Oh, and I had this great idea! I should advertise Random-nes Personified on my blog....wait for it....oh yes, now your laughing! Isn't that one of the best redundant phrases ever? And below, I have a joke aout Blonde inventions. Enjoy! and see y'all!

Left handed pencil
Clear correction fluid
Black highlighter
Waterproof tea bags
Braille driving manual
Dehydrated water
Screen door on a submarine
Helicopter upward ejection seat
Air conditioning for motorcycle
Wooden barbecue
Glow-in-the-dark sun dial
Gasoline fire extinguisher
Battery-powered battery charger
Fake rhinestones
Fireproof matches
Glow-in-the-dark sunglasses
Mesh umbrella
Solar-powered flashlight

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