Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Friday, September 9, 2011


Hey peeps and random people reading this! Welcome!
This is just a fun post telling you some of my best nicknames. So here!

Ali, Alligator, Bumblebee, Cameron, Chip, Drake, Daniel, Hercules, Hey you!, Jalapeno, Jalapandro, Jon, Kai, Karrick, Lil' Bro, Schwa, Shrimpo, Squirrel, Souffle, Stick, Teddy Bear, Weasel, Zander, and my latest addition, Plankton.
YLLFFC (your long lost friend from camp)
YFHS (your fellow homework slave)

Screen Names:
Jayzk, Jayski
Runningfire, Graytail, Brocktree, Icewhisker

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