Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, April 30, 2012

In BV with Matt....again

So starting where I left off. After the praise rally, me and Matt plus Matt's family (his brother and mom) headed for Buena Vista. Now remember, its like 10:00 already, pitch black, along a endless winding road with no lights except for the dim headlights. SO its about 3/4 through the trip when a deer crossed the road right in front of us. Matt''s mom brakes the car going like 40 but....yes, tears.....hit the deer at maybe thirty miles per hour. The deer did two flips before landing on the ground. Then it got up and walked into the woods on the other side. I hope it didn't die, no living thing deserves to become carrion. Now here comes the good part. I now have nine, not eight, but nine most embarrassing moments of my life. And Matt has now witnessed one of them. As we were skidding to a halt, I saw the deer and was so horrified that we were going to hit it that I let out a scream......RIGHT when my voiced cracked!! Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing, especially when it was done, Nate, Matt's brother and the singer for the praise rally, thought that his mom had screamed, but it turned out to be me. :P

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