Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, April 23, 2012

Caddie Training Day 1

Wow, I'm too tired to type....this is gonna be short. So today was my first day at caddie training where the golf course is entirely uphill. I was dying after the second hole and didn't bring any water. Lucky for me, this other guy didn't need his water and gave me his. Talk about saving your life. I am so bringing water tomorrow! I think I used an entire tube of sunscreen and heatstroke was definitely on the menu of ways to die. I got a headache after a couple minutes of blaring sun and was about to pass out. Even worse, I hurriedly ate a ton of cereal before I went there so I was literally about to throw up. Overall, it was a pretty miserable 2 hours of walking with 50 pounds on my back. I really hope my body will adjust and I'll get used to it. BTW water is a gift from God. Thank God every day that we have freshwater on Earth.

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