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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Star Trek I: The Motion Picture

Yea! I just watched the first Star Trek movie! I had never seen any of them before tonight and "Wow," was it great. I mean, some parts took FOREVER because the U.S.S. Enterprise moves 10 mph slower than a turtle across the screen. :) Seriously, they could have cut half an hour off the movie just by moving the ship faster. The acting was that of a middle school play with no emotion, just stoic faces. Yeah, today, this kind of technology is boring and common and the idea normal. To think that this was the biggest science fiction thing people had ever seen back then? Ouch, it would suck to be them. But overall it was a good movie. I loved Spock; he's cool. And it had a great plot. I mean, who can think up a story that involves a space probe/satellite made by humans, that is lost in a black hole and comes back with all the data in the universe 300 years later as a living mechanism that is searching for its creator? Who can think of the name V'Ger because the O, Y, and A, were smudged out from the original name Voyager 6? It's ingenious. I definitely don't put it on my favorites list, but it was worth watching. :)

I received the first 9 Star Trek's in this boxed set. I don't know why....My long lost hated ex-father Albert sent them to me....creepy! :) I decided not to throw them out because I have been wanting to watch these for a long time now. So...Star Trek I: The Motion Picture....*CHECK!

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