Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Thursday, June 21, 2012


OK peeps, its my birthday, and normally I hate birthdays, but this has been amazing!! OK, first I watched all the Bourne Legacy movies this morning (AMAZING!!), then me and my mom went to Red Lobster, where I ate the best shrimp lobster fish dinner of my life. Then we went putt putt golfing and even though my mom is experienced in putt putt, I tied her for both games. :D Anyway, then we went out for slurpies at 7/11 and then came home for another movie. Also, my birthday present was a big bag of chocolate covered pretzels, but I kept making excuses to eat more. :) I ate the whole bag in the first movie. Yikes! And yeah, its been great, the only thing that could be better was if my sisters were gone...but whatever. Oh, and another present was theat I was finally allowed to get a facebook. And its awesome so far....I have like 50 friends now. :)


Mary said...


Annie said...

happy belated birthday!