Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Me again!

IM BACK!! I know Jalie has been raving about The Lorax. You know it too. I just havent watched it yet. WELL I DID! and ITS AMAZING!!! best movie i've seen in a really long time :) everyone needs to go watch it now. run. go. vamoose.

ALSO: I am subconsciously developing an English accent. Why? The Doctor is the most addicting man alive. Everyone needs to go watch Doctor Who too. :D seriously, it's my favorite show.
Alex- you'd love it. It's like Shawn meets John Shepard meets Ghostbusters meets Alien Movie meets Time Travel Movie meets Old Cheesy Awesome Show meets Some Movie with Romance. ITS. SO. GOOD. Netflix -> Now.

:) So yeah. Pip-pip! Cheerio! Fish n' chips!


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