Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Friday, March 30, 2012

Shopping with 3 Females

Wow, Ok, so my mom, my two sisters, and I "bombed" the house today, which is just filling the house with poisonous, bug-killing fog that dissipates within three hours. Pretty awesome because it gets rid of all the bugs during spring and summer. I demanded that we do it because last night I found a giant spider in my bed, and so....yeah. Anyway, we had to lend the pets out to our neighbor for three hours while we went to Village Inn, The Arc, and then Khol's. OMG Khol's! I hate Khol's! I was dragged along as my sisters tried on dresses and pants and shirts and other...things...for an hour. AN HOUR! And just guess what they ended up getting.1 Fricking Bra!!! I don't care how awkward that sounds coming from me, because I was so pissed! UGH, you girls are just beyond everything....WOW. :P OK, ranting and raving done. Really though, I was so pissed off....
-Jayzk :)


Anonymous said...

LOL. I typical shopping day for girls. I'm not like that though. I usually browse around and look, and ever so occasionally purchase a shirt or something, but shopping days are scarce for me. And I HATE bra shopping. That happens only once in a blue moon!!! >.< Bleh.

Anonymous said...

Btw, that was your cousin Hannah. ;)

Anonymous said...

BAHAH! Men :)