Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Friday, March 2, 2012

First Concert Ever!

So I have to sum this all up really quick because I got four hours of sleep last night and I have an early call time tomorrow.

OK, so yesterday I woke up at 6:00 am, went to school at 7:00 am, arrived at Seussical at 3:00 pm, was picked up by Matt and his brother at 5:30 pm, stood outside Rocky Mountain Calvary until 6:10 pm, had the time of my life at my first concert ever till 10:15 pm, helped the Newsboys crew take down the set to get to their next appointment till 10:30 pm, and arrived back home at 10:45 pm. Yeah, my mom was pretty mad. =) LOL! And yes, I did not go home once that day. Anyway, I got to check off something on my bucket list, going to a concert. Matt invited me to a roadshow of City Harmonic, Anthem Lights, Abandoned, and one other band tagging along with the Newsboys on a tour. about awesome. Out of the piddly bands Anthem Lights was my favorite. Just so everyone knows, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM! go to for more information. :P Anyway, its now a day later and my ears still hate my guts. :D That music was sooo loud it wasn't even funny. My ears still ring from time to time. Not cool for someone like me whose not accustomed to loud music. But the Newsboys were abso-bally-lutely-flipping-top hole amazing!! They sang, like, a dozen songs. Even doing an encore. And I got to help their stage crew pack up all the equipment so they could make their next appointment in southern Arizona by the next morning or something. Fun! The lights during the show were fantastic and awesome, and I seriously have never seen anything like it in my life! Yeah..... It was awesome. I have never screamed that loud or long, but you kind of get into the groove when your hearing one of your fav bands live. Yeah, thanks for listening to my ramblings though. IT WAS AWESOME!!

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