Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hope Against Hope

I really really hope and want a snow day/moodle day tomorrow! Please, please, please, please snow! Here's all the things I am doing tonight just to be safe...(I don't actually believe it, but its fun anyway)
1. Sleeping with a spoon under my pillow
2. Flushing an ice cube down the toilet
3. Wearing PJ's inside out
4. Reciting the alphabet before getting in bed
5. Place a cup filled with 13 ice cubes an let them melt overnight on the center of your dining table
6. Put a penny on your windowsill
7. Drink root beer with a straw
8. Melt a white crayon
9. Stick some sort of snow-based movie in the DVD player upside-down. (Eight Below)
10. Sleep with one sock on left foot
11. Drape the other sock over a ceiling fan
12. Keep the house phone under your/someone''s bed
13. Do the "Snow Dance" (Jump up and down seven times outside in the sidewalk)

So yeah, just thought I'd share some of my personal culture with you guys. LOL, thanks for looking!

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