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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Science Video

Our 2011-2012 Earth Science Class decided that we should make a replica of a perfect disaster video. I know its a bit long, but I think its hilarious.....See for yourself.

Here is the link:

Also, here is the explanation that I put under the video on YouTube: 

Brought to you by "Don't Laugh Just Because We're Amateurs Productions." Our freshman class in the year 2011 created this class video of a hailstorm. We had no script whatsoever, so here's our best shot at improv. Mr. Caton, our teacher, was cameraman. Now the video is a little confusing without know what is going on so let me give an overview....

The mother is having a baby, the father works at a weather station where hes sees a giant hailstorm coming in on his computer radar. They have sent their son, Sebastien, away with the babysitter who ditches him at the park. Now alone, Sebastien is accosted by a creeper/pervert at the park, then hail starts to fall. The creeper is struck down by the hail (terrible acting), Sebastien runs for cover (also terrible acting), and a American war veteran recently turned hobo is awoken shouting, "Oh hail no!" The hobo takes off with Sebastien to find his family. Meanwhile, the mother's water broke and a visiting "gangster" midwife comes by to be of no help in the birth. (hilarious!) The husband is stuck in traffic with hail and a broken window but is trying to get home. He sees people on the way getting "killed" with baseball sized hail. When he finally does get home, the baby (pillow) is born and they have an awkward discussion of talking about the purple pillow. Just then, the hobo walks in the "house" bringing Sebastien. He takes pillow, holds it up, and begins to sing the Circle of Life with the rest of the cast. Now strewn throughout and afterwards are clips of a random kid on a tricycle. That is there completely for added randomness and laughs. Also, in the middle and at the end are explanations of how super cells and hail is formed, since this is science. Enjoy, and make sure to watch the credits. :)

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