Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Snow Day!

WE GOT A SNOW DAY!! WE GOT A SNOW DAY!! I got my face! And a cup o' hot chocolate!

NANANANANANA! :P And we didn't even get snow! No snow, at all! (Which sucks...) But the day off made up for it! :) SO this morning I woke up early to a text from my coach saying that we had the day off. So I turn off my alarm and go back to sleep only to wake up to my mom 30 minutes later with breakfast ready. See, we don't have TV to announce it and we figured out that she forgot to plug in the phone yesterday. :) So she had no idea and I've been up ever since. We made a fire in our new house fireplace and its soooo warm and cozy. :D Oooh! I've got pictures!

Looks a bit like roast beef doesn't it?

At least this part does... :)

Sparks when mom threw in another log.

Not the best pic quality, but it looks cool. :)

Oh, and there's my hot chocolate.

And Larry the Cucumber fighting a bull...

Back on track... So yeah, As you can see...I absolutely LOVE snow days! :) Don't we all?? Da best! OK, I'll post something later today.

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