Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Valentine's Day

So sorry, I have been so busy with Seussical, homework, school, and watching NCIS episodes that I have completely forgotten to write for about 7....8 days now. Wow, time really does fly! 


Yeah, yeah, I'm getting to it, so I stupidly forgot to do a post about Valentine's Day. Which in my opinion, is so overrated. Grr! I believe that the flower and chocolate companies around the world teemed up to make a day in which they could relieve some of their goods. Bark! I just LOVE how school is always full of dimwits with either a bad case of too much makeup, or DOES (Definitive Owl-Eyes Syndrom) a common disease among men when women dress to scantily and boys stare and stare without blinking. Like it? :P (a.k.a. googly eyes) Seussical Cast had a gift exchange party too....really awkward, lemme tell ya! So, YES, I did make a Valentine's post, even if it was late... Thanks!

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