Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CU Boulder

SO you may not know this, but a certain college in Colorado, entitled CU Boulder, has the top engineering program in the states. My goal in life is to graduate from CU Boulder with a major in electrical engineering and a minor in mechanical engineering. Fun right? Well, besides from the money drawback, which I will get to momentarily, there is the fact that I need at least three years of a foreign language. OUCH! Yeah, but moving onward, I have found a scholarship opportunity for an inhumane amount of money toward CU Boulder. All, I need to do is finish a few requirements, fill out a giant stack of paperwork, and sacrifice at least three consecutive summers to a four-days-a-week caddying position in Denver, an hour and a half away. Now, for each loop (or round of golf I caddy for) I will be paid thirty dollars plus whatever tip I am awarded from the golfer. I am so OK with that you can't even imagine. Just think, getting paid while working toward a scholarship to your dream college.

"Oh, Happy day, happy day!"

The only problem is transportation which has just been resolved. My mom figured out that I could have the same position, training, and guaranteed work at the Broodmor Hotel a few minutes from my house. EXCITING!!!! OK, just an update.

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