Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, June 17, 2013

Message in a Bottle (Opinions?)

So... I have an idea. A crazy idea, but an idea nonetheless. I have never been to the ocean, but I want to. I don't know how I would get there, or if I even would, but I want to release a bottle with a message in them into the water. The message would say something like, "This was sent at <time> on the <day> of <month> in the year <year> from <location>" and would have a short, random message as sort of a confirmation code. Then it would have the URL to a new blog I would make for the message(s) that I send out... and the people who find it could confirm it there. :) Wouldn't that be amazing?? Does anyone here live near the ocean and could help me with this? Or better yet, have access to a boat? Please anyone who reads this comment below. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Sadly I live about 12 hours away from the nearest ocean, so I can't really help ya there. But I do think that's a cool idea! I've actually done that, only I threw it in a river, haha(:

Unknown said...

That's OK. :) Anyone respond to your message?