Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Glen Eyrie Orientation

Wow, not much to say except that instead of work, I had to sit through a 7 hour orientation at the Glen Eyrie. Mostly he was repeating stuff that we had already figured out. Anyway, the one good part was the Scavenger Hunt all around the Glen Eyrie in the different cabins, stations, and all throughout the castle. It was great fun driving and running everywhere with my newest friends there, Alicia, Nathan, and oh whats her name.... Megan? Malia? Something like that. :) Overall, good time, except when we were suppose to be learning. :) OK, I'm exhausted, and I'm doing the Incline again tomorrow. Over and Out.

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