Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Time for Boxes...

Btw...WE'RE MOVING!!!! AND I"M REALLY HAPPY!! This is the longest I've ever been in one house; five years. And its awesome cuz right now were in a one story house that's 1150 square feet and were moving into a double story house that's about 150% bigger than that. maybe even double. And (best part) its like 4 houses down the street so we get to keep our awesome neighbors across the street. Thankfully not ( the now moved out) Adam. Yeah, but my room is really big compared to this one. SO yeah, we move in two weeks and I've already packed up my books, movies and video games and shtuff, and a bunch of clothes. We've made three Goodwill runs already. It's just a great thing moving, get rid of lots of stuff and start over. :)

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