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Friday, August 3, 2012


So recently I saw the movie Chronicle....actually a while ago, but I haven't posted in weeks. Anyway, I would not recommend it for kids, or adults. Its pretty much just a teen movie. The camera view for the whole time is from the camera in the hands of the main character which is OBNOXIOUS!! The story is good....I guess. I thought it was a bit dark though, darker than I really enjoy. It is awesomely cool though, the fact that they can fly, the telekinesis, and the process in which they learn their powers extensions. I really liked the black dude (main guy) though; I didn't like how Andrew killed him. And its a bit unrealistic, the fact that Andrew's mind breaks (completely snaps) over his home life. Its bad, yes, but there are so many other stories that make his like a children's tale that it seems a bit weak of Andrew....just my opinion. Overall, I think its not worth paying money to watch. But that's for you decide for yourself. I would not recommend this to others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you haven't already, you should check this out:

Seriously funny(: