Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


So, I guess I should probably announce that I'm finished with school and I'm technically a sophomore now. :) But I guess it hasn't really sunk in yet, and I've got a draining job the WHOLE summer so that puts a slight damper on things. Anyway, on to the important stuff...

So everyone go look at the page called "Me," and you will see a new picture of me. :) Now I know the picture isn't great, but I edited that picture on the new "Picnik" tools on Google+. They work great. The only thing I HATE is that they don't have any of the vignette or sepia or stuff, but you have to get creative to make up for it. You should all make a Gmail account and play around with the new program. Google is a mess right now, so it took me a while to find out how to and stuff, but I finally did and I think that pics pretty good.

Speaking of making a Gmail account. I insist even if you don't actually make one, you at least go far enough to see the form which you fill out. Then go to the gender/sex button and click it to see the options. Then tell me what you see by writing me a comment. I want to pique your curiosity so you actually go there and see it. :) So please please "make my day totally groovy" (as Reb says) and go look and comment. Thanks. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I feel so honored to be quoted in a blog post!! haha
And I had completely befuddled by Google...