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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner by James Dashner is the book that I just finished. And let me say, It's AMAZING! Get it? a-MAZ-ing? AHA. Okay, moving off the cheesy pun track. It is written superbly, but the thing that gets me, is the idea behind it. It's ingenious. How Dashner came up with this I can only guess. Anyway, this guy named Thomas is thrown into a place called the Glade, a small community made up of roughly 50 teenage boys. Every month, a new boy comes in the "Box," the way that the community get supplies that they can't grow or make themselves. This community, surrounded by a gigantic wall with doors that close every night, is in the middle of a monstrous maze of rock walls, ivy, and endless cliffs on the edges. In this maze are mutative robotic biological creatures called Grievers. Anyway, these kids have tried to find a way out for two years, blah blah blah, I'm not gonna tell you anymore cuz I REALLY want you to read it! :) Anyway, I highly recommend it. The characters are relatable and well described. You can easily get into their mentality. The setting is great....yeah....READ IT! :)

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