Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bug Off, Bee!

Hey, don't judge me....I just hate bees.

So, yeah, I was outside watering our garden with a hose, when a bee flew right past my face and I was like, What a Pimp! And then I saw it again over the grass and I focused the water spray at it.

Then it disappeared and I'm all like, Oh S**t! Cuz I though it was going to come back, like behind me and try to sting me since I bugged it. (Haha, bad pun)

Then I started twirling not-so-gracefully, just spinning actually, with the hose and trying to catch the bee with the water before it stung me because I had convinced myself to this point that it was intent on revenge.

Well, my mom came out and saw me spinning and randomly swatting the air with my free hand in hysterics because I hate bees (doesn't everybody?) and she thought that maybe I hate gotten hold of some alcohol and was mildly buzzed. (Hahaha, Also bad pun)

So yeah, then I eventually saw the bee again, or maybe a different one, and it wasn't even interested in me, just flying around a flower. But I, in my controlled hysteria, (Or not so much), tried to get him again, as if I hadn't learned my lesson already....wait...I didn't.

Anyway, I finally saw him (the bee) go down (on the ground) and momentarily diverted the water. I went over and saw him still twitching. Then I had a choice between being a bee killer or leaving him alone. You know, the life altering choice of "To bee, or not to bee." (HAHA! I'm good at this).

Then I chose and covered the hose hole with my now freezing finger and SSHSHSHHHHSHSHHSHH! The bee was gone! Then there was this foreboding sense of remorse....for a split second. Then I was like, HA! And was fun. :)

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