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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Caddie Training Day 7?

Ugh! Today was grueling! It was hot and depressing because...well....let me explain. Sixteen Caddie's train every day, different caddies each time.Our caddiemaster, Mr. Matte, has to incorporate all seventy caddies into nine training sessions EACH. I think we've had 30-35 training dates so far, I've only been to seven because that's all he signed me up for even though I was one of the first to sign up for the first nine days....whatever. Anyway, we have four golfers every time with four caddies to each golfer trading off with their bag every 3 holes. While one is carrying the golfers bag, the others are carrying Broadmoor golf bags with nothing but a few clubs. Anyway, I was fine for the first six holes, but when I carried the real bag, I almost died on the next hole. Grrr! I am soooo out of shape. I mean, I know my mom keeps saying that its just me filling out before I grow, but I feel disgustingly fat. :( Anyway, I've started a workout routine of lunges, squats, and these grueling squat things where you keep your heels together and stay on your toes. AHHHH!!! Yeah, I got like 32 lunges three minute rest, then another 37 lunges as my base score. I have yet to figure out my base scores for the other stuff. Anyway, I am going to commit to my working out plan with some slight upper body strengthening included....I hope I stick to it. Because if I can stick to it for a while, I'll have no problems out on the course. :) That would be a big relief, because out there....I get paid!

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