Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Limerick

We did a poetry project a while ago, and I was quite proud of my limerick that I made up, so I decided to post it. I LOVE it! And yes, I would like a compliment. HAHAHA jk. BTW, I did get a copyright for it. :) .....I think..... (0.o)

There once, long ago, was a tree,
Who was enormous, as giants can be,
The lord over all,
The big and the small,
Was toppled by naught but a flea.

The flea as was said about he,
Commanded an army of three,
A trio of beavers,
Big overachievers,
Who toppled the mighty old tree.

Oh, and here's one from last years poetry project.

There once was a crab who made stew,
And ever so loved to fondue,
So invited he did, 
A few squid from Madrid,
And said, "Let the party ensue!"

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