Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tim Hawkins vs. Steven Curtis Chapman

OK, so today, I heard the song "I Don't Drink Beer" by Tim Hawkins. Funny right? But wait, there's more. My mom then told me that Tim Hawkins stole the melody from a Steven Curtis Chapman song called, "I Will Be Here." Here's the video for this song...listen to like the first minute of it and get the tune and stuff.

Gret song right? I loved it, it sounds so peaceful and I downloaded it on my (crappy, little) MP3 player so I could go to sleep to it if I feel restless. :) Don't judge me! :P Anyway, then I listened to the hilarious version by Tim Hawkins. It's all about reasons you shouldn't drink beer. Please listen to the whole thing, it's hysterical!

XD Hilarious right? So then, after watching, I showed the family and me and my sisters started cracking jokes on how Albert (my ex-father) should listen to this song and that it might have kept him sober for a whole three minutes. Yeah, just laughing and laughing. Then my mom, laughing with us, announces that "I will be here" was their wedding song!! HAHAHAHAHA! We almost died hee-haw-ing and snorting. Yeah, it was great, but I mean, I guess you had to be there, but don't you get the irony of it all? Ehh, anyway, just thought I show you the video. I love it! :)


Anonymous said...

BAHAHAHA!!! Oh, I love Tim Hawkins...

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way, I'm copying you and compiling a bucket list:)