Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Shopping! (Yes I'm A Guy)

Hey followers, visitors, and other people who aren't even going to see this,
So, every other year, my mom gets me some new clothes before school starts. It is so much fun for me! I know this is very creepy to hear from a guy, but just hang with me here. It's so much fun for me because I don't do it very often. Anyway, I got four shirts and a pair of jeans at Macy's. My grandma got me some clothes for my birthday (June 21) and I returned some of them for one I really liked.
Anyway, this is going to be a short post because I need to get to my summer homework that I still have to work on. Bruchko is a good book and all, but this project is making me hate it.
So until next time, don't drink alcohol, always eat a good breakfast, and NEVER get a Fujifilm camera. :)
See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are TOTALLY RIGHT on the Fujifilm cam thing. SERIOUSLY!!!!! My Dad's WILL NOT take a good macro pic AT ALL. :( Mine is kinda broken....I was with it in the rain. :( It still works but the macro (MY FAV SETTING) is broken. :( I'm looking for a Nikon D40 now. A big boy. :) I think God's going to surprise me with one. Seriously! I've prayed "boldly", as my pastor has challenged us to do, and I know I'll be getting one soon.

Anyway, I'm going school shopping soon (for SOME clothes ((shoes in particular)) and new folders/binders). I'm excited!!! I LOVE shopping for school supplies! And shopping for clothes is just awesome! I admire you for liking to do that. :) Guys who say it's wimpy and WEIRD are DORKS. RUDE, OFFENSIVE DORKS. LOL.
