Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Getting a Dog!

Hey guys,
We went down to Seven Falls, then followed the river for a while out of their territory. It was great! I built a dam and pretty much made a pool. Not exceptionally deep, but enough to have fun. Also, on the way to Starsmore Discovery Center, we passed by this house with magnificent, tree-sized metal sculptures. They were amazing! Oh, our new dog came with us too! We got a Chow/German Shepherd/Yellow Lab mix from the humane society. He had so much fun walking around in the water even though he his 7 or 8 years old (We're not sure) His name is Buddy, I know, very unique huh?
OK, so over the summer, I have to read two books and finish two projects on "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Really stupid book) and "Bruchko" (Receiving in the next day or two) Not exactly looking forward to it, but I am trusting to get some help from Arieverafter.
Oh, and on the way back from the creek, we passed this truck that's tire was about to burst into flames. It gave off a lot of smoke and we tried following it, but we lost him.
Well, that's all for today!
Don't hit people with computers, never rub your hand down a plywood board, and always make sure that the flame thrower is pointed AWAY from you before using!
LOL, See ya!

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