Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Friday, July 29, 2011

New Page!

Hey peeps,
You may have noticed that there is a new page on my blog. (I'll try to sound like an announcer) This is a limited edition page that will only be available for a couple of days so get your looks in quickly. (How'd that sound?) LOL.
Anyway, I'm just going to leave it up for a little while and let you guys read it. I had a blast while writing it and I had an even greater fun when I read it this morning. Please check it out and tell me how you like it. All posts are always open for comments.
OK, last night/this morning, I slept for about two hours on and off but that was it. two days ago, I developed an ear ache (maybe swimmer's ear) that prevented me from sleeping the night before last also. It stinks! So this morning I got up at 5:00 and I have been up ever since, typing, surfing, pretty much anything to keep me busy. :)
Anyways, Don't throw plates into windows, always do your summer homework, and NEVER try to electrocute a pickle. :)


Yoski said...

HEY!! Back off my pickle, man. :P

Jalapandro said...

Sorry :) Just need new ideas!