Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, July 18, 2011

Welcome Roni!

Hey Roni,
Thank you so much for following, I know I am terribly short of followers as of right now. So, on behalf of me and my two friends, Welcome!
OK, down to business, you may have noticed I added a page for my cat. I encourage you to check it out. My cat is the best on Earth, No really. She even has all of the continents on here, Asia, Europe, and Africa are the most obvious of her black spots. I'll try to post more pics, but I need to know how. I think I'll ask Arieverafter since she has plenty on her blog.
Well, after leaving my posting for two seconds to call another friend, I found out that I got him in trouble for asking him to look at my blog. I guess he's not suppose to look or do anything with blogs or computers? I am so confused! What's so bad about a blog?! Then, after telling my mom about it, she said she totally agreed with his mom. She said that she isn't and never was OK with blogs! WHAT!? I have no idea what all the fuss is about. It's just a BLOG!
Sorry guys, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Maybe I should open the comments to being able to express different situations that you are having trouble with. Hmm, Something to ponder.
Anyway, It looks as though I need to go.
Recharge your phone, don't spill milk on your camera, and never try throwing a bag from Olive Garden in the microwave. (Story)
See ya guys!

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