Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fishing Trip #1

Hey Everyone,
So from now on I am going to create small, short fishing trip posts. Sound cool?
This one will be past tense from a while ago...
Let's start at the beginning for this one. My family is entered in the Big Brother Big Sister program, but I got two weird big brothers in a row and gave up. I'm not really a supporter of the program anymore, and never really was. Maybe that's because I am extremely cautious about being around grown up men. But anyway, my sister's, big sister's, husband Mr. Mark (On this blog, we'll call him that) offered to take me fishing with him to South Catamount in the Rockies, a reservoir. That was the first time I had fished in my life and I caught 11 fish! It was SO MUCH FUN! The only bad thing was the hike, which was about a mile up and down uneven terrain around the lake to the good spot. It was worth it thought and "My oh my were those fish delicious!" (I love seafood by the way, ANY seafood) So there, small, short, to-the-point reporting.

Reflection, What did I learn?
I learned how to cast a line, how to take the hook out of the fish, how to hold a slippery fish, and how to clean a fish all within about three and a half hours. That's gotta be a record for me.
Anyway, TTYL,

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