Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rainy Day!

Oh My Gosh I Love Rain!
It has rained for the last half of like eight days now.  Even now I can hear the rumble of thunder preceded by brilliant flashes of lightning. It's exhilarating! But sadly, this is nothing compared to New York....I should probably tell you guys that I lived in New York for five years. Kind of a depressing area, but only noticeable until you have detached yourself from it. There, you could get up to 24 foot snow drifts (I am not kidding you) on either side of country roads. For a town of a couple hundred people, we had seven snowplows. (That's a ton of snow!) Anyway, there, we had massive snowstorms, thunderous booms, huge lightning streaks, and amazing rainfall! Those were real storms. I wish we got them here. :(
Ooh, something else, we have a garden! It produced so much the last two years, but this year has been disappointing. Maybe the soil needs to regenerate or something. Anyone have any ideas? Anyway, despite the other stuff, my pea plants are getting along great! We grow grapes, rhubarb, zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, peas, carrots, and leeks. Last year we grew broccoli and lettuce too.
ANYWAY, I get off on the biggest rabbit trails, It's dinnertime and I need to go.
Ketchup with y'all later.

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