Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Incline (5-30-13)

When summer started, I only talked with a few people in school, but never actually hung out with them. When school ended I asked myself should I ever try or is it kind of late to include myself in a real social group. Anyway, I decided to do something dramatic. I joined a group on Facebook that planned to do The Incline. If you don't know the incline, its here in Colorado Springs and is a Mile of railroad ties going straight up a mountain. Pretty much, It's REALLY difficult and I thought I would have to chicken out halfway through because I hadn't exercised in forever! But I went and it turned out only five of us did it, but it was really cool. We spent about 3-4 hours hiking and it was great, but I thought it would end there. It wasn't, our next ascent is planned for tomorrow morning. But that small group baby-fed me into a social life. It was great easing into a group and not having a bunch of people at once. So Roni, you have to throw yourself out there, even if it may be embarrassing, and give it 10 minutes of crazy. You never know what it might start...

This is kind of a response to Roni's post "Introverts Anonymous"
Go Check out her blog HERE

Anyway, the people who went are Bree, yes, tattoo person Post Here, Matt, met him there, Connie, longtime school friend, and Josiah, the guy who's job I took over for the summer while he goes on missions trips. (More information about him and his blog at the bottom)

Anyway, This is Josiah's picture of me on the Incline. Just for reference, we're about a third of the way up. Yeah, its LOOONNNGG! But here is what it looks like (below).

For those of you who don't know Josiah....all of you....he has recently started up a blog called the
Quest for Anduril (since he's a Lord of the Rings fanatic). It's probably going to be a lot like Random-nes Personified so I highly encourage you to check it out and follow him...once it's up and running. 


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! And good for you for putting yourself out there! I'm trying to do the same takes a while to expand your comfort zone, but I think it's worth it!

Unknown said...

Wow, thanks for the shout-out! How was the Incline the second time 'round?